Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Maybe I'm on a roll with one word blog titles! But seriously this family was just amazingly gorgeous! This lovely lady won one of my Celebrating Mom sessions. I think it's so important to document your  WHOLE family as you grow and change but it seems so often that in the day-to-day mom gets left out of the picture. This was as special event just for moms and I couldn't be happier with how these images turned out. I hope that this beautiful family loves their images as much as I do! 



I need only one word for this mom and her gorgeous belly - FABULOUS! And it's baby #2!!! I can't wait to meet this new little one! 


Monday, November 19, 2012

Look who's THREE!

This little guy came to the studio to celebrate turning THREE! I wish I had had a baseball bat on hand because he LOVES baseball! Shucks! Next time!



My Guys!

A client recently reminded me that I had not actually blogged this really special session I did of my own family. I love taking pictures of my boys but this time I wanted something different. I did have to employ some serious bribery on this one I think it was well worth it! 

I loved this session!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

They grow up so fast!

Is it weird that I get sentimental about how fast my client's kids grow up?? I have been photographing this family for a few years now and when I saw the girls this fall I couldn't believe how much they had changed. Even from a year ago when I last saw them they have grown so much! Next thing you know I'll be taking their high school senior pictures! Okay maybe they don't grow up that fast but it sure feels like it!


No lettuce or pickles!

I could have also title this "kids say the darndest things" or something about kids being brutally honest. It took about 3 minutes for the oldest boy to reveal to me that his mom bribed him with a treat if he behaved well during his session. Apparently it worked because both boys were SO good. We joked the whole session about what kind of treat did we think his mom would get him. Would it be lettuce or pickles or tomatoes?? That little game provided entertainment for the whole session and I think for the whole family! 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No Pressure!

I met this amazing family for the very first time this fall.  

I was excited to work with them but nervous too. Mom told me about their experience with their past photographer - one that she knew and loved that had been providing her with an exceptional photography experience for some time.

So basically "We LOVED her, she was FABULOUS but she moved...can YOU take FABULOUS pictures?" Was pretty much what I heard and I was terrified. BUT, I am never one to walk away from a challenge so basically it was WOW her or go home! I know I was wowed by how amazing and amazingly beautiful this whole family was and she didn't kick me out when she saw her photos so I took that as a good thing!


I've got the WHOLE family in these pictures!

I usually get to photograph the children from this beautiful family but not the parents. I am so happy to say that I got to photograph the WHOLE family including their very loved family pet and I couldn't be happier with how the images turned out!

I always have such a great feeling when the parents agree to get into the pictures and with a beautiful family like this they should do it more often! 


You can fit her in the palm of your hand!

I was so honoured to be asked back to photograph this family's second beautiful baby.

A while back I mentioned that I was photographing a very special and very little baby and here she is. All 4lbs, 14oz of her! The photos don't really show just how small she is but she was tiny. She was born one whole month early but strong as can be and perfectly healthy.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The most wonderful time of the year!

I am lumping Halloween and Christmas together because to me this next stretch is THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!

There is so much to look forward to and so many fun things on the way...who doesn't love it! 

So without delay the first FUN thing I have up my sleeve is the HALLOWEEN BOOLICIOUS MINIS!

Can't wait to see you!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Baby Alex"

Almost 2 years ago I had the privilege of photographing baby Alex's older brother. Now the whole family is back and better than ever. I love getting to photograph siblings and see how much they look alike! Another beautiful baby! 


Friday, August 24, 2012

Lovely in Lavender

Mom specially requested lavender and cream for this shoot and I just love how it turned out! What a gorgeous family and SUCH a good baby. I  had so much fun on this shoot!



It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!

This may make me weird but I think there is almost nothing cuter than a crying child. I try to never miss a photo opportunity when the tears start coming. I'm sure the parents think I am nuts but I love these photos! This little guy HATED his birthday hat and without fail he would start in a full-on cry every time mom put it on. 

Happy 1st birthday little man! 



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Homemade Cookies and good people!

This was a special shoot for me with a friend who has been in my life for a VERY long time. We haven't seen each other in years and I didn't realize how much I missed her until I saw her again. Her and her family actually. I've always had a special place in my heart for this whole family. They are good people, and seeing them again was like going back to a place you love, or having home made cookies warm from the oven, or a heaping plate of spaghetti with yummy bread covered in butter! They are that good and seeing them all again felt like home. 

She's since moved away (far away) and got married and had a baby but that little baby was turning ONE and what better way to celebrate than with a cake smash!! 

She came up all the way from South Carolina to celebrate with her family and managed to fit in some time at the studio. This was one of my favourite cake smashes by far and little Chase DESTROYED his cake. Well done buddy! 

The cake is all cleaned up now and and they are all long gone but I have such great memories and of course these pictures to remember her visit.

It was great seeing you again Jenny!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Giggles and Barns!

If there was such a thing as blogging police I would have been locked up a long time ago but since there isn't I will just play catch up instead!! 

I had the pleasure of photographing this family when they were just a family of three and now they are back as a family of four!! 

I had so much fun with this family! 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What's this..another GIRL!!!

While this isn't officially a "run" on girls it is another girl!! Yaay for me! And is she ever CUTE! 

I couldn't get enough of this cutie and even tho she missed her nap she was still a rock star! 


Monday, July 9, 2012

Oh those LIPS!

Lookout ladies, this is a heartbreaker in the making! Stop and behold the lips, the gorgeous hair and those chubby cheeks! With this combination I am sure he is going to be a hit with the ladies...he was with me! 


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Oh those CHEEKS!

Some babies have just have those cheeks you want to squish and this little guys cheeks were irresistible! 

It really does take self control not to squish them!! 

I hope you enjoy! 


Monday, June 11, 2012


I don't usually get near as many girls in the studio as I do boys but when I do, it sure is FUN! 
Sweet Jessica, and your overuse of the word "NO" made me giggle all session long. I thought it was so cute but I understand your Mom, isn't as big a fan of the word "NO" as I was.

Here is a little sneak peak of her super fun session.



Thursday, May 24, 2012


Look at me on top of blog posts!! Okay, this session is a little old so I guess I'm not EXACTLY on top but so, so very close!

This little guy wins the award for BEST sleeper for me in a LONG time!! I was working at lightening fast speed sure this little guy was going to wake up at a moments notice but he slept, and slept, and slept. I couldn't believe it! Isn't he a cutie!!

Thanks for the great shoot little man!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


This must see is from a stay-at-home mom who also happens to be a past photography student as well as a past client. When she contacted me looking for help photographing her amazing new venture I was BEYOND excited and said YES right away! 

I don't think her product needs much explanation so have a peek for yourself! 

She and her beautiful products can be found here!



A dear friend contacted me a while back asking if I could help her mom out with some pictures. Her mom had taken up crocheting and wanted some pictures for her new shop. As someone who purchases knit and crochet items a lot I know good quality when I see it and her product was beautiful! I was honoured to be asked to take these photos and I wish her the best of luck with her new shop...not that she needs it! 

Here is a peek of some of the images and you can see more at her shop. Feel free to stop in here



I had so much fun shooting this family session that I think they should change their last name to FUN! They were so natural in relaxed in front of the camera and I think you will agree, it shows!! 

The "Fun" Family



Saturday, April 21, 2012


Who doesn't love a dose of CUTE!! These brothers are cute overload!!

I will never forget when big brother proclaimed in a loud voice..."I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH!" as he was holding his brother for pictures. If that isn't brotherly love than what is! 

Enjoy these cuties...I know I sure did! 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I love Easter! Really, I love all holidays but with a special emphasis on the ones that celebrate with Candy..which is most of them!

In an effort to take more pictures of MY own family..here are some snaps from Easter. Enjoy!
